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I am R0B0G3N3S1S. I am a ex-glitcher for graalonline classic, and my blog is back!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I found a new glitch on era! This is a glitch that is similar to the old one that was patched, but this one works. Is what it does is put a head into a car when somebody invites you, but you aren't actually in the car. It's a very simple glitch, and I'm surprised that staff hasn't thought of it yet. Any ways, I will release it as a challenge once somebody finds out challenge #1. Good luck, and know that I also found this glitch with luck (and some wisdom and common sense).


  1. I know this one maybe.. It's not that hard :)

  2. well... go ahead and post it. It's super simple glitch btw who r u

  3. I'm the same guy from the challenges page I wanna use a name but i don't wanna use my graal name..
