About Me

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I am R0B0G3N3S1S. I am a ex-glitcher for graalonline classic, and my blog is back!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Good news everybody! I only have about ten more hours of being banned on graalonline iphone! My udid ban is over, and tomarro I will be able to play classic again. I have decided to start recruiting people to my guild, but you cannot bug me about the glitches I find. AT ALL. It gets really annoying when people do that. Just post a comment asking to join, and I will let you in the guild. It's not really a glitching guild, but we might guild spar once in a while. I am now trying to get my eRPM back, which may take a while, considering how much money I was earning a day.


I found a new glitch on era! This is a glitch that is similar to the old one that was patched, but this one works. Is what it does is put a head into a car when somebody invites you, but you aren't actually in the car. It's a very simple glitch, and I'm surprised that staff hasn't thought of it yet. Any ways, I will release it as a challenge once somebody finds out challenge #1. Good luck, and know that I also found this glitch with luck (and some wisdom and common sense).

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I need songs/artists ideas to put onto my blog so you can listen to them while reading. Any profanity, bad language, or just weirdness is welcome. I will make a few playlists for everybody to listen to. Thanks.


Whoever has been clicking on the ads a rediculous amount of times, stop. Google has made the eRPM $0 because of the eccesive amount of clicks. So now, instead of earning $5 a day, I earn 0. Thanks for commenting on this. But only click if you truly interested in an ad. Not to make me get more money (thanks for the thought though).


I put a music player on the bottom of the blog. Just so you can listen to music while reading my equally amazing posts of staff torment and money making (with some glitches put in there). Just pause it if you don't want to hear it.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I have decided to make a series of challenges for anybody who is serious about glitching graal online. These challenges will be rewarded somehow, I'm not sure how yet (maybe with gralats?) but I will find a way. These glitches will be minor, and therefore hard to find. All of them have been found by me, and I'm the only one who knows it. See the challenges page for the challenges.


It's funny- everybody thinks I'm insanely smart or something. I'm not. I'm just lucky. Not a genius. However, I do have a sense of what will go whack in graal. Because of this I have found the hour glitch, guild delete, offline glitch, and many others, a few of them being bad enough that they got patched. I have learned a few things since then. Like now I have enough knowledge and logic to figure out why and how a glitch works. This is very important, because often there will be a better glitch that you can find if you know how it all works.
 For instance, I found out how to get out of jail (got patched). Maybe I can find out how to get out of jail without doing what I had to do. Any ways, I'm going to post a guide to how  to find glitches on graal, or any game.